WEEK 7- Short Summary


From week 6 to 7, the whole team was more focusing on the technical stuff like the visual scripting for the music transition to make people feel uncomfortable, the Kinect tracking, and getting the material for the bodysuit. I was assigned to explore and do some experiment on the visual effect and some interactions can be build in the project. I found some videos from YouTube for the: 

Disappearing/reappearing effect https://youtu.be/n3oP9IseVoI

When I was following the steps in the video, the problem I faced is that I suppose to add a CastToThirdperson function, but I couldn't find it in the list, I browsed online, some of the possible reason is that I did not have a third person object create, then I raised this to Vivian, then she fixed it by using a keyboard input function to trigger this effect happen

The texture changing gradually over time


texture editing from the Unreal official guidelines https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.2/en-US/texture-asset-editor-in-unreal-engine/.

Next Week

We are going to meet in the mo-cap lab on Sunday and working on putting things together.


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